Edycja projektu EPI

Details of the project EPI

Development of new technology of production fundamentally improved products in the form of organic blends of vegetable juices with the addition of herbs.

01-04-2023 do 31-12-2024

6 527 246,91

EFRROW; national public funds; own funds


The aim of the operation is to develop and implement innovative methods and organization of the cultivation of herbal plants under cover and to create a new product with health-promoting properties, which is a mixture of vegetable juices enriched with herbs. The research planned as part of the operation will allow to determine the composition of the product (including the effect of herbal raw materials on the product) and prove its excellent characteristics.

The group's project envisages the development and implementation of innovations in several areas; it is a multithreaded project, which is the result of cooperation between a farmer cultivating herbal plants, an agri-food processor (SME sector) and a scientific unit. At the end of 2024, the operational group plans to implement a significantly improved method of growing herbal plants under cover, using LED diodes, which will affect the effects of agricultural activity. The improved raw material will contribute to the development of the composition and implementation into production of the innovative vegetable juice with the addition of herbs.

The need to implement the operation arose between the consortium members in connection with: the search for more effective ways of growing herbal plants under cover, which will result in improved plant characteristics, the search for a new market for herbs and the idea to develop a new product - a mixture of vegetable juices enriched with herbs with their unique properties. Company Swedeponic Polska, which sells potted herbs under the "Baziółka" brand, is a leading producer of herbs in Poland. Rising energy costs have prompted the search for solutions that increase the efficiency of cultivation, while improving the character of the finished product, primarily in the area of durability (better shelf life), vitality, and the abundance of herbs in essential oils, which determine their beneficial nature. Cooperation with the Bacillus company became the basis for the project of developing and implementing a completely new product - a mixture of vegetable juices enriched with herbs


It is planned to improve the properties of herbs in terms of: shelf-life, vitality, abundance in essential oils. A solution will be implemented to ensure lower energy demand thanks to the use of new lamps. The impact of lamps on herbs will be examined, and detailed guidelines for setting up and operating the installation will be developed. The optimal parameters, functionalities and nature of innovative lighting will be determined, changing the way of growing herbal plants under cover. An innovative product will be developed (composition; the effect of herbal raw materials on the product): ecological live plant isotonic acid enriched with polyphenols).

food quality / food processing and nutrition