Edycja projektu EPI

Details of the project EPI

Milk processing according to a new method of organizing cooperation with farmers. Marketing of new milk and whey-based products.

01-04-2023 do 01-10-2024

5 869 544,62

EFRROW; national public funds; own funds


The project assumes the introduction of a new production of a new production organization method for the processing and storage of milk products from local farms and a significant improvement in the technology of processing and marketing whey and new derivative products based on whey obtained from local cheese production.

Introduction of a new production organization method for the processing and storage of milk products from local farms, significant improvement of the technology of processing and marketing of whey and new derivative products. Arrangement to collect the milk within two hours after milking.

The project assumes effective use of milk as a raw material by shortening the milk collection time to two hours, thanks to which it does not reguire cooling and storage at the farmer's and is not mixed with milk from other milkings, which reduces energy consumption on the farm. The change also applies to the formation of the cheese mass. The farmer will not produce curd mass in unsuitable conditions, but will commission its production to the Operational Group in sterile conditions under constant technological control.

The ACTINATA operation Group will enable farmers to collect paramaterized cheese mass made from milk collected from farmers for their own cheese production. The result of the project will be the purchase and management of whey, which in Podhale is treated as a low-value product, and even as production waste. Implementation of a new innovative method of milk processing will allow full utilization of whey from local cheese production for nutritional purposes and full utilization of whey

The project will ensure stable and sustainable milk supplies by moving away from the current seasonality. Milk will be collected up to two hours after the milking, unlike in commercial dairies up to 2-3 days. The Operational Group (OG) ensures the development and management of milk in order to reconcile the constant quantity and continuous production of milk with the uneven demand for highland cheeses, especially outside the tourist season. The operational Group, as part of an improved method, the existing form of cooperation between a farmer and a classic industrial dairy, introduces additional benefits and cooperation opportunities for farmers to choose from. A farmer can, for example, outside the tourist season and when there is no market for his regional cheese or when he is unable to process it himself, sell all the milk from his OG farm.

agricultural production system