Edycja projektu EPI

Details of the project EPI

Developing innovative technology to produce high-quality meat from pigs fed feed enriched with omega-3 fatty acids and quercetin from waste onions

01-01-2023 do 31-10-2024

5 163 394,17

EFRROW; national public funds; own funds


The main objective of the operation will be to develop an innovative technology for the production of high-quality meat from pigs fed with fodder enriched with omega-3 acids and quercetin from waste onions. As a result of the works, pork meat of high functional and sensory quality will be produced, e.g. with an increased share of intramuscular fat and omega-3 acids, and more desirable tenderness and juiciness than those offered on the market so far. The use of fruit pomace preparations, onion husks and waste onions will allow for increased efficiency of binding quercetin in the muscles and to obtain high oxidative stability of essential fatty acids and thiamine contained in the raw material.

The following scope of works is planned: Stage I: Preparation of feed and production environment - a modified pig feeding model will be developed based on an innovative deodorized premix based on inclusion preparations of pectins and waste onion as well as onion husks in order to obtain meat of high nutritional, sensory and technological quality. Stage II: Production of fattening pigs fed with a modified feed composition - fattening of animals (hogs and gilts) coming from the mating of Camborough 22 sows and a selected Duroc boar will be carried out, up to a body weight of approx. 120 kg. Stage III: Slaughter of animals and selection of the most effective way of feeding them - animals will be slaughtered in 6 groups of 60 animals each. Research works on postslaughter evaluation of meat will allow to select the most advantageous variant of feeding fatteners. Stage IV: Production and slaughter of fattening pigs fed with a modified feed composition selected in STAGE III and selection of modified atmosphere parameters for packaged meat (pork loin) - animals will be fattened in the experimental group.

Pork meat is a valuable product rich in protein, iron, zinc and B vitamins (especially thiamine) and PP. At the same time, attention is drawn to the need to change the unfavorable profile of fatty acids in this product. Numerous scientific studies confirm the significant impact of animal genotype and diet on the increase in the nutritional value of meat (including pork) and on the composition of fatty acids in meat. Studies have shown that the addition of flaxseed pomace to feed increases the proportion of omega-3 acids in meat and improves the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 acids. However, the content of these compounds may be the cause of increased susceptibility of the contained fat to rancidity. Therefore, it is important to research to obtain an oxidatively stable mixture as well as oxidatively stable and at the same time sensory acceptable meat with an extended natural shelf life. Quercetin has been shown to have high antioxidant potential. Its source may be waste onion or the husk

The project will provide guidelines for potential recipients of the designed preparation for enriching feeds based on flax pomace, husk and waste onion. They will concern the production technology and the parameters of subsequent storage of the preparation, allowing for obtaining a deodorized mixture with high antioxidant efficiency at the indicated storage period. Based on the obtained data, guidelines for optimal storage conditions and shelf life will be determined. The optimal amounts of the designed preparation and the method of feeding it (30, 45 and 60 days before slaughter) will also be indicated for the highest efficiency of binding quercetin in meat. The composition of the gas mixture for storing the obtained product will also be developed, which will allow to extend its natural durability with simultaneous high nutritional and sensory value, especially color. On the basis of the obtained results, the term of meat storage in the designed conditions will be determined, allowi

One of the most important goals of the project is to develop pork of high functional and sensory quality (both culinary and processing) with an increased content of intramuscular fat and a more favorable proportion of fatty acids, mainly the content of omega-3 acids. The innovative feature of the meat is its dietary value. The use of linseed pomace husk and waste onion preparations in nutrition will allow for increased efficiency of binding quercetin in the muscles, and thus will ensure high oxidative stability of the unsaturated fatty acids contained. Oxidative stability of meat will allow to obtain favorable quantitative and qualitative relations of the thiamine contained and will extend the shelf life, display at points of sale and reduce losses resulting from the possible need to dispose of it. . The produced meat will also be characterized by better palatability, tenderness and juiciness than those offered on the market so far.

The end result of the described activities will be obtaining innovations not yet used in the territory of the Republic of Poland in the field of: a) Product: 1. Obtaining a functional preparation for enriching fodder based on flax pomace, husk and waste onion, the aim of which will be to improve the fatty acid profile of meat with increased durability, while limiting the intensity of sensing aromatic compounds characteristic of onions, which will increase the possibilities of its use. 2. Production of high-quality meat with appropriate fat content that increases sensory values ​and at the same time with a favorable fatty acid profile with high stability and increased nutritional value. b) Technology: 1. The technology of obtaining a deodorized feed enriching mixture with the addition of husk and waste onion in order to obtain maximum antioxidant protection of the introduced omega-3 acids, but at the same time limiting the unfavorable sensory characteristics related to the taste and smell of dried onion. 2. Selection of the appropriate gas mixture for packaging meat, allowing for a significant extension of its shelf life. c) organizational: 1. Organization of raw material (onion) trading at the producer's. Thanks to the new solutions, the onions will be fully used after sorting: for consumption and fodder purposes. Waste onion will be a raw material that is sold and not transferred for recycling. The area of ​the necessary warehouses will be reduced. This will reduce the costs associated with the energy necessary to ensure appropriate storage conditions and reduce the quantitative losses of onions (hereinafter financial) during storage.

animal husbandry and welfare