Edycja projektu EPI

Details of the project EPI

Consortium for the creation of short supply chains for herbal products

29-07-2022 do 31-07-2023

324 999,00

EFRROW; national public funds


The purpose of the operation implemented by the Operational Group "ZIOŁA FAJSŁAWICKIE" (FAJSŁAWICE HERBS) is to sell herbs (thyme, sage,) and potatoes grown on the farms belonging to the consortium members. The Operational Group was also established in order to improve the organisation of sales of the produced products to the end users (consumers) by creating a website. The products on offer will be fully identifiable by the common logo of the Group and a description of the product including the composition, production method and origin. Implementing the operation, we intend to develop sales directly on the farm, which will allow the consumer to see how the food is produced. The Operational Group consists of five farmers producing herbs and potatoes. Due to a wide range of agricultural products and delivery directly to the consumer, we will strengthen our position on the market and increase the profitability of our farms.

Thanks to the cooperation, the group will have more homogeneous products, which will allow to create a brand under a common logo and establish a base for customers who are interested in healthy food. A wide range of products under a single brand will make it easier for customers to buy in one place, shorten the supply chain from farm to table, and eliminate distribution channel network, which will benefit both producers and consumers. The information prepared about the products on offer, i.e. where they come from and how they are made, will ensure full identification of the products on offer.

supply chain, marketing and consumption