Edycja projektu EPI

Details of the project EPI

Healthy quality in the short supply chain

08-07-2022 do 08-07-2023

325 000,00

EFRROW; national public funds


Creating a short supply chain for distribution and sale of potatoes, pumpkin, rasberries, strawberries, dill, cucumbers and horseradish, through organizing and launching a common point of sale in order to strenghten the recognition of their assets, as well as to create new ones distribution channels that allow direct access to the consumer with the group's offer. Working under a common logo for better recognition of products offered by the group.

The main benefit is the creation of short supply chain straight from the farmer which will result in higher quality of offered goods. Wider assortment sold in the same brand will help customers purchase more diversed assortment in one plane. Offering products by internet distribution channels will allow for extending the offer to a larger area.

supply chain, marketing and consumption