Edycja projektu EPI

Details of the project EPI

Development of innovative models for the sale and promotion of agricultural products based on agricultural producers from the Lubuskie region

28-06-2022 do 28-06-2023

325 000,00

EFRROW; national public funds


The main aim of the operation carried out by the Forest Dinner Club group is to shorten the supply chain of high-quality local products from the Lubuskie Voivodeship, which in turn is to lead to the expansion of the sales market and increase of local farmers' income. One of the goals will also be to develop innovative models of direct sales such as: farmstead sales, sales in a local store in Łagów, sales through an online store and sales in the form of culinary events held under the name of the Forest Dinner Club. The above-mentioned sales models will shorten the delivery time, increase the quality of the offered products, increase storage capacity and improve the quality of consumer service. The main advantage of the above-mentioned models will be the Forest Dinner Club events, where, apart from selling, the products will also be served in the form of dishes specially prepared for this occasion. These events will take place in the forest in the Natura 2000 area. We are planning t

Both buyers and producers will benefit from the activities planed by the Forest Dinner Club Group . The farmers in the operational group will increase their incomes. In addition, the sales conducted by the Forest Dinner Club Group will provide a wide range of benefits to its beneficiaries. It will increase the range of sales, raise the level of product recognition, affect the development of farms, will bring direct feedback from customers regarding products and their expectations, will allow to adjust production to the changing market expectations. The consumer will have easy access (also via an online store) to high-quality agricultural products, produced and sold locally. Reducing middlemen will allow customers to buy first-hand good agricultural products at a good price.

supply chain, marketing and consumption