Edycja projektu EPI

Details of the project EPI

Eco Flavors

05-07-2022 do 05-07-2023

325 000,00

EFRROW; national public funds


The main goal of the operational group, "Eko Smaki", is to spread the short food chain and deliver healthy, ecological food to the individual customer. By shortening the supply chain, this food will be delivered to the consumer in a shorter time, which will affect the freshness and quality of products and lower final prices of the food produced. The increasing expectations of consumers regarding the willingness to buy healthy food directly from the farmer will also be met. The omission of intermediaries in the supply chain will also contribute to an increase in the profits of group members from the conducted activity. The operating group consists of 5 farmers involved in the production and distribution of products, i.e. honey, bee pollen, potatoes and chicken eggs. The main tasks to be carried out include: purchase of a means of transport (vehicle), which will contribute to the smooth sale of the offered products, improve the efficiency and frequency of sales outside the plac

The main benefits for the recipients of the products are, above all, a healthy product of high quality and taste, sold at a reasonably low price. In addition, various sales channels will be used, i.e. sales from the farm, sales on markets, marketplaces, but also online sales with the help of an online store, thanks to which the consumer will be able to buy a given product without leaving home. By using their own logo, the operational group will be easily remembered by consumers and associated with future purchases.

supply chain, marketing and consumption