Edycja projektu EPI

Details of the project EPI

Good, because from Lower Silesia The operation relates to the development and implementation of a new model of short food supply chains (LCCs) in the form of a so-called comprehensive solution.

09-02-2022 do 08-02-2023

280 000,00

EFRROW; national public funds


The aim of the operation carried out under the name: "Dobre, bo z Dolnego Śląska" is to start and develop cooperation and collective action of small farms, as well as small enterprises gathered within the operational group by creating and developing a comprehensive Center for Local Product and Education (CPLiE ) - leading to the tightening of geographical and social relations between consumers and producers and processing entities in Lower Silesia. The most important tasks: 1. Creation of a coherent system of visual identification CPLiE 2. Launch of a stationary Local Product and Education Center 3. Launching an online store and a mobile application 4. Implementation of a new model of short food supply chains (SFSC) in the form of the so-called comprehensive solution; 5. Conducting joint sales 6. Conducting informational and educational activities.

The main benefits of the project are: 1. implementation of a new model of short food supply chain (SFSC) in the form of the so-called comprehensive solution; 2. increasing the profitability of individual members of the operating group - producers / farmers by increasing the scale of sales of the offered products; 3. reducing the costs related to the organization of sales through the cooperation of producers; 4. access to a new sales market by creating a new one on the map of Wrocław and Lower Silesia; a unique "sales center" (situated in the center of Wrocław); 5. creating an infrastructure for collecting and processing orders as well as processing payments under CPLiE; 6. increasing brand awareness of products provided by farmers / producers; 7. joint control of the authenticity of products based on the obtained certification; 8. creating a consumer education program on the origin of food and the method of production. 9. enhancement of the potential of the created SFSC system to support local tourist traffic (travel agencies, local tourist information points, hotels and other accommodation centers), 10. building the knowledge, skills and competences of the members of the Operational Group in the areas of management, marketing, finance, IT, sales, negotiations, etc. 11. increase in consumer loyalty towards producers and their products from the area of Lower Silesia.

supply chain, marketing and consumption