Edycja projektu EPI

Details of the project EPI

There is an Alternative! PRODUCER GROUP - An operation to create a short chain of agricultural producers and establish local and cooperative reception and mutual promotion and promotion of non-industrial agriculture

30-01-2022 do 30-01-2024

323 937,47

EFRROW; national public funds


The aim of the operation is to create a short chain of deliveries made by agricultural producers. The chain is called "We've got the alternative!" The network of farmers and their farms in cooperation with each other are going to create green delivery spots, which will also be the places for organic and natural farming promotion. The group of agricultural producers " we've got the alternative!" who manufacture food in the systems of organic, integrated or natural farming will be able to offer the products from the farms, where consumers will be able to collect their shopping or from other places such as local open air markets and food festivals organized locally. The agricultural producers will use the group's logo "we've got the alternative!" and promote each other's products as well as thee idea of organic or natural farming. The consumers thanks to the website www.jestalterantywa.com and the mobile applic

The network  of agricultural producers joined in the short chain of deliveries called " we've got the alternative!" will be the next stage of development for the farms  and their  manufactures taking part in the  operation.    The implementation of the strategy  consisting in purchasing  appliances,  machines  and other facilities to set up green delivery spots as well as creating a map of producers both in  paper and on the Internet  (a website and a mobile application) will influence positively the efficiency of the  agricultural production as well as as the variety of product offered by the produces in the group. By all means,    thanks to the operation the produces will be more attractive on the market  of agricultural manufactures    and will be able to distinguish  their products  as of those which are produced in harmony with nature and with regard for it. The implementation of the operation will result in organic farming promotion and at the same time will make  local organic products    more available for consumers and tourists visiting Lower Silesia.

supply chain, marketing and consumption