Edycja projektu EPI

Details of the project EPI

Rhodiola rosea - innovative cultivation,innovative raw material.

12-02-2021 do 30-04-2023

2 705 077,89

EFRROW; national public funds


The aim of the operation is to improve the cultivation efficiency of the medicinal plant Rhodiola rosea L.. by using the biotechnological method of microclonal reproduction of rare plant species as well as the significantly improved technology of cutting and drying the raw material - rhizomes with roots. The subsequent aim is to develop and implement innovations in the field of a new product – Rhodiola rosea extract. The expected result of the activities planned in the operation is to increase the efficiency and increase the quality of cultivation of the medicinal plant Rhodiola rosea through the use of the microclonal reproduction method, as well as thanks to the improved technological line for the preparation of raw materials (washing, cutting and drying), equipped with innovative solutions. These solutions will directly ensure high-quality goods with maximum energy savings and minimum losses. The use of innovative, ecological, green technologies and products during operations (ecolo

As a result of the operation, the cultivation efficiency of the medicinal plant Rhodiola rosea L. will be improved. The method of microclonal reproduction will be used, mainly used for the reproduction of rare and valuable plant species. Thanks to it, the seed material used in the organic farm will be the population with the highest content of active substances. The use of an improved, modern technological line for the preparation of raw materials (washing, cutting and drying) will also contribute to increasing the quality of the offered raw material. The subsequent goal of the operation will also be the development and implementation of innovations in the field of a new product - Rhodiola rosea extract, standardized for the content of active substances - salidroside and rosavins. The operation's impact will not only be nationwide, but also international, especially in relation to countries with similar climatic conditions.

The effect of the operation was to increase the efficiency and quality of the cultivation of the medicinal plant Rhodiola rosea. This was achieved by: 1. developing and optimising a method for microclonal propagation of R.rosea 2. improving the process of raw material preparation by equipping the farm with an innovative, ecological technological line (washing, cutting and drying). The operation was implemented using green technologies (both in the investment part, e.g. photovoltaics, recuperation) and in the research part (e.g. supercritical extraction), which directly contributes to environmental protection and climate change mitigation. The biggest innovation on a Polish scale was the development, optimisation and eventual production of the first extract from Polish R. rosea. This standardised product has expanded the Farm's product portfolio and is a finished product for the pharmaceutical or food industry. The implementation of the operation and the results achieved have contributed to the establishment of lasting cooperation between the farm and Bialystok University of Technology. This has translated directly into the design and application for further joint research and development projects aimed at expanding the infrastructure of this organic farm to the extent that it can produce and sell extracts from all the herbaceous plants that are grown there. At the same time, Polish and European business interest in both the raw material itself and in Rhodiola rosea extract (the result of the operation) is high and a project is planned to carry out clinical trials of the extract produced. All these collaborations, the planned implementation of projects (both national and European within the framework of the European EPI AGRI groups) would not have been possible without the implementation of the present operation. The implementation of the present operation was the first operation carried out under the action „Współpraca” in consortium with Białystok University of Technology. The experience of the project team, both from the perspective of the application and the implementation of the operation, contributed to a significant increase in the interest of other agricultural entrepreneurs in developing and implementing innovations on their farms in cooperation with the University. This resulted in 4 operations receiving aid under „M16 Współpraca”.

1. https://dziendobry.tvn.pl/zdrowie/profilaktyka-zdrowia/rozeniec-gorski-wlasciwosci-dzialanie-zastosowanie-jak-przygotowac-rosline-da342630-5308183 ; 2. https://poranny.pl/rozeniec-gorski-i-jego-wlasciwosci-zdrowotne-zloty-korzen-z-podlasia-robi-kariere-wideo-zdjecia/ar/c14-15743880 ; 3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFyWIGwC80U ; 4. https://turystyka.wp.pl/zloty-korzen-ziolo-podroznikow-ktore-leczy-i-miliony-na-badania-6611296447564672a ; 5. https://zdrowie.dziennik.pl/aktualnosci/artykuly/8227779,korzen-rozenca-gorskiego-wlasciwosci-zdrowotne-natura.html ; 6. https://wrotapodlasia.pl/pl/edukacja/edukacja_nauka/politechnika-bialostocka-prowadzi-badania-nad-rzadka-roslina-lecznicza.html .

plant cultivation and horticulture