Edycja projektu EPI

Details of the project EPI

Technique and technology of grassland renovation by wide strip reseeding under different soil and production conditions for fodder production

10-08-2021 do 31-12-2022

2 051 999,68

EFRROW; national public funds


The main objective is to obtain a forage yield of better fodder quality and higher utilisation value, i.e. a more favourable botanical composition of the sward generating a higher fodder value and higher yield from the TUZ plantation. The new technology will use a specially developed and production-ready wide-belt reseeding unit for renovating TUZ.

Broad-band reseeding is a significantly cheaper and less energy-intensive method of renovating the TUZ compared to ploughing. The specially developed wide-belt reseeding unit for the renovation of TUZs enables soil cultivation in a single pass, including breaking up and mixing the old sward and sowing seeds with a dose of fertiliser in wide strips, while the old sward is left in between the rows and will yield in a given year. No herbicides are used in this technology, as is the case with slot reseeding.

plant cultivation and horticulture