Edycja projektu EPI

Details of the project EPI

New livestock breeding practices in cooperation with the University of Life Sciences in Lublin

28-07-2021 do 29-06-2023

1 599 547,07

1 599 547,07 PLN total costs 1 603 455,22 PLN eligible costs 1 282 444,22 PLN subsidy, of which: EFFROW 816 019,26 PLN


The aim of the operation was to develop and introduce improved technology to reduce the negative effects of intensive pig farming on animal welfare and the environment. A research hypothesis was adopted that the use of natural sorbents as feed additives will reduce the release of gaseous pollutants and have a positive effect on the quality and technological suitability of meat as a raw material. The amount of released gaseous air pollutants, animal health, microclimatic parameters of rooms, microbiological analyzes were assessed, and at the end of the production cycle, the degree of intensification of anatomo-histopathological changes in tissues was assessed and the influence of the tested additive on the technological quality of meat was verified. The obtained results confirmed the reducing properties of the tested sorbent in relation to the amount of gaseous pollutants released. At the same time, no negative impact of the additive on the assessed animal health parameters was noted. A

The project will support the agricultural sector, mainly pig farmers, and the solutions developed within the project will make it possible to use new technologies – renewable energy sources – to control the microclimate system, which will reduce financial expenditures for energy. In addition, as a result of this solution and supplementation of pig feed with natural sorbents, the farm will be perceived as environmentally friendly. Farms using natural resources and introducing them as good production practices are more profitable and competitive and also have a more favourable public image, as they operate in line with the country’s climate policy. The solutions for livestock farmers proposed by the consortium are an innovative and multi-faceted combination of solutions that strengthen the economy of the farm and at the same time contribute to protection of the environment and its elements (soil, water, and air).

One of the most important achievements of this project is the improvement of animal welfare and the reduction of the farm's environmental impact, which can be transferred to park tuce to other pig farms. The proposed feed additive can be indicated as an element of good agricultural practices in the field of animal feed additives. The obtained positive results of using a natural additive in the form of activated carbon to pig feed are of both cognitive and practical importance, as they have a positive effect not only on the environment, animal health and the meat consumer. The introduction of this supplement will have a positive impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions on a local scale, which will translate into a total balance of pollutants emitted to the environment. The use of such a solution is an important element in shaping the environmental policy in accordance with EU provisions and is part of the actions against climate change. The developed new solution in the field of pig feeding techniques will reduce the negative effects of intensive pig farming on the natural environment and will have a positive impact on the improvement of microclimatic parameters of breeding rooms, which will translate into an increase in the welfare parameters of kept animals.

animal husbandry and welfare