Edycja projektu EPI

Details of the project EPI

Development cooperation between science and industry on the development and implementation of high-precision automation of premix weighing and dosing processes

01-09-2020 do 31-12-2022

9 795 032,64

EFRROW; national public funds; own funds


The aim of the Group is to work out and implement at an industrial scale a signigicantly improved processing technology in production of animal premixes. The intent of the operation is to enhance the level of automation, speed and precision of microdosing of substances and raw materials used in premix manufacturing. Safety is the key target for the operation as the improved technology will lead to better conditions at work and for the environment through eliminating exposure to dangerous dusts. The key tasks will be performed at branch, science and industrial level, which will all lead to starting up a pilot installation based on newly worked out technology.

The development work around the implemented technology will allow to determine which components and substances of the premix production can be made subject to newer technologies. Those technologies focus on speed, precision and safety of manufacturing process. One needs to remember that premix production is the chemical arm of the animal feed industry. This means the exposure to dangerous substances both on humans as well as natural environment is much higher. Automating dosing and weighing phases of those substances directly translates into improving the safety of labour and natural environment. It also allows to eliminate manual input and improve product features. The know-how exchange bridge will also bring benefits to the branch representation, agro-science and the industry actors. Dissemination of the results will focus on such benefits as: shortening and speeding up of processes, precision and homogenity of produce, decrease of dangerous byproducts or packaging, dust exposure elimination as well as better traceability of plant processes through automated control.

competitiveness and diversification of agriculture/forestry