Edycja projektu EPI

Details of the project EPI

Innovative breeding methods for sheep in the light of changing climatic conditions in Lower Silesia

01-11-2020 do 31-10-2022

2 098 317,00

EFRROW; national public funds; own funds


The aim of the operation is to optimise sheep production under changing climatic conditions with reduced environmental impact and to improve the biodiversity of the pasture sward. The operation is a pilot project carried out on four farms in the areas: Dobromierz commune and Radków commune. The project will involve 120 sheep and 72 ha of pastures. Ultimately, the results of the project and good practices will be disseminated and implemented in more farms. Project implementation period: 24 months - 3 stages. Specifics of the main results of the project implementation: 1) The renovation of pastures will restore their biodiversity while creating a food base for sheep. 2) The use of inter-breeding (heather breed with Cameroonian breed) resistant to harsh environmental conditions and asezonality. 3) New methods of organisation will optimise the breeding process.

The main benefits of the project are: 1) better use of local natural resources (grassland after restoration); 2) increased efficiency in the use of local fodder resources - basic nutrition is based on local fodder resources (produced locally); 3) increased efficiency in the use of organic fertilisers and rainwater; 4) the final product obtained - sheep meat of better quality parameters, will positively influence the competitive position of Lower Silesian breeders.

animal husbandry and welfare