Edycja projektu EPI

Details of the project EPI

Production of farmstead cheeses from cow's and goat's milk in the Śląskie Voivodeship in cooperation with the Wacław Dąbrowski Institute for Agricultural and Food Biotechnology as a product,

08-02-2021 do 31-12-2022

1 141 125,14

EFRROW; national public funds


The aim of the project is to develop and implement a technology for the production of farmhouse rennet ripened hard, soft, smoked and non-smoked cottage cheese using local strains of lactic acid bacteria isolated from acidified cow's milk cheese.

The project plans to use unpasteurised cow's milk. Thanks to a culture of lactic acid bacteria selected by the Institute and its use in the production of cheeses, an innovative product will be created - specific to a given region, a given farm. In this way, the native flora of lactic acid bacteria will be restored to the product.

food quality / food processing and nutrition