Edycja projektu EPI

Details of the project EPI

"Technique and technology of onion production with the system of technological paths". New onion production technology using innovative machine designs specially developed for this purpose.

01-10-2020 do 31-12-2022

2 856 409,63

EFRROW; national public funds;


The implementation of the new technology in the agricultural practice will contribute to an increase in stable and sustainable supply (production) of onions of better quality and higher yield per plantation area unit, and with greater economic efficiency. The immeasurable effect will be the reduction of the negative impact of onion cultivation on the natural environment.

The new technology of onion-free production of onions with the system of technological paths will reduce the development of mold and fungi, because there will be a larger living area for individual plants compared to production on beds. As a result, the unit consumption of pesticides and fertilizers will be reduced. increase in onion size above 7 cm, i.e. a significant increase in the commercial yield of onions from the plantation area; -greater economic efficiency due to lower energy and labor intensity per product weight.

plant cultivation and horticulture