Edycja projektu EPI

Details of the project EPI

Country system of precise diagnosis of diseases, pests and fertilization needs in horticultural production

28-01-2021 do 30-10-2022

4 935 414,00

EFRROW; national public funds; own funds


The purpose of the Operation is to improve the safety and quality of fruit & vegetables and reduce production costs, thanks to country decision support system for horticulture crops. Through: – Developing a disease monitoring and signalization system in field and covered crops, based on mathematical disease models and actual climatic conditions – Developing a predictions system for disease infections 24-48 hours before its occurrence on the basis of mathematical models and weather forecast – Developing a pest monitoring and signalization system based on automatic photo traps and mathematical (phenological) models of pest development - adapted to national climatic conditions – Creating a mobile application containing a disease and pest monitoring system and a field management – Developing innovative method on the Polish market for the rapid testing of macro- and microelements in soil and plants using XRF, FTIR, ICP spectrometry – Developing a method for predicting the risk of

The result of the implementation of the system will be the improvement of health and quality of primary raw materials and finished products, optimization of plant nutrition and protection against pests. The operation of the system assumes limiting the negative impact of plant production on the natural environment as a result of reducing the use of plant protection products and mineral fertilizers. An additional result of the implementation of this system will be effective farm management through the so-called field manager.

plant cultivation and horticulture; pests / disease control; fertilization and nutrients