Edycja projektu EPI

Details of the project EPI

Safe Farm - product, process and marketing innovation related to broiler chicken rearing

01-02-2020 do 31-01-2022

3 078 318,45

EFRROW; national public funds; own funds


The main objective of the operation is to implement a quality system called Safe Farm in order to obtain slaughter raw material - broiler chicken meat - of improved quality when rearing and feeding using natural fossils. It is also planned to promote this system and the raw material through innovative marketing activities. The planned operation covers areas such as: - the differentiated application of the fossil mixture to the different types of bedding used in the production of slaughter chickens, - the addition of the fossil mixture to feed and the development of appropriate proportions, methods and dosing times, - development of a method of rearing with the use of minerals in order to obtain meat from chickens for fattening with increased quality (production: welfare, health) and physico-chemical properties of the meat obtained (product with increased technological suitability) and increased safety status (reduced emission of pollutants from the poultry house to the environme

It is planned to divide the operation into 5 stages. Each of the first 4 stages (sub-studies I,II,III,IV on farms A, B, C, D) will consist of the following: 1) preparation of 4 dedicated poultry houses on 4 separate farms for testing, including: mineral disinfestation (pollination), 2) provision of experimental feed and bedding in accordance with the guidelines for the composition of the mixture of natural minerals to be tested and the test methodology, 3) carrying out the production process, which is planned to last for 42 days, during which time research will be carried out (production rates, microclimate and welfare conditions), 4) at the end of the production period, the slaughter chickens will be slaughtered and dissected (in accordance with the methodology, tests will be carried out on the physico-chemical characteristics of the meat, histological, biotechnological, haematological).

Main benefits of using aluminosilicates for bedding and feed: (1) The use of aluminosilicate mixtures in entire production facilities can reduce emissions of harmful gases. However, it should be noted that emission analyses are significantly influenced by the season (temperature differences between the interior and exterior of the facility) and the type and capacity of the ventilation infrastructure. (2) Aluminosilicates improve: - the immune status of the birds - strengthen the intestinal barrier strengthen tight junctions, which protects against poisoning from pathogens - help maintain the homeostasis of the chicken body (3) Aluminosilicates have an effect on: - stimulation of the intestinal epithelium - increased surface area for absorption of food content better utilisation of feed protein - elongation of the intestinal villi - accelerated regeneration of the intestinal epithelium (enterocytes) (4) Aluminosilicates can have an effect on: - reducing the growth of undesirable microorganisms in the litter (lowering litter moisture content) - reducing the intensity of evaporation in the facility (air quality) - not reducing the dustiness of the litter material - reducing the emission of odour compounds from the facility - improving the respiratory comfort of the chickens - lowering the pH of the litter. Studies carried out in the project have shown that aluminosilicates (halloysite and zeolite): - are beneficial for poultry production; - their use should be adapted to the conditions on farms; - are part of a responsible production strategy in terms of welfare and environment.

Outputs of the operation: 1. development and implementation of the "Safe Farm" supervised production system, i.e. improved technology for broiler production with the use of the most optimal proportions and ways of applying the mixture of natural minerals as part of the process of feeding the chickens (adding minerals in the most effective dose to feed), as part of the microclimate of the poultry house in which they are kept (application in the most effective dose to bedding), as part of disinfection (pollination with minerals) - reduction of insect population - information on the method of application available in the brochure summarising the project 2. obtain improved products: better quality chicken for slaughter compared to standard production methods. - available in scientific publications and project summary presentation 3. to implement new marketing methods for the production, processing and marketing of products: by conducting an innovative marketing campaign on Safe Farming - information summarising all activities available on the project website and social media (Facebook), as well as on You Tube 4. dissemination of the obtained results through various channels of information distribution - publication of the research results in a reputable A-list scientific journal /popular science journal addressed to the community, a conference summarising the project and other meetings with farmers, popularisation of the solution among breeders through the Association, which is a member of the consortium. The effect of the marketing activities will be to establish whether consumers and distributors are interested in supplying poultry meat produced using the Safe Farm system. Achieving the planned results at the level of production and product quality will make it possible to take action to disseminate the implementation of the Safe Farm System into practice - information available on the project website.

animal husbandry and welfare